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Iklan Percuma No: [#1636] Tajuk Iklan anda digital learning platform ilearnace Keterangan Iklan anda i-LEARN Ace is a f...

digital learning platform ilearnace

Iklan Percuma No: [#1636]

Tajuk Iklan anda digital learning platform ilearnace
Keterangan Iklan anda i-LEARN Ace is a fully integrated digital learning platform consisting content based on the Malaysian National School Curriculum. This multi-featured platform is created to provide a learning experience that is customizable, interactive, engaging and mobile for students, teachers and parents alike.

The platform seamlessly combines all the important aspects of a student' revision process, enabling students to read up on topics, do practices, create notes and mindmaps, interact with peers and teachers, and so much more; all in one place.

i-LEARN Ace also comes with a free mobile app which allows users to access its features on-the-go even when offline – truly making it a Mobile (M)-Learning platform.
Harga Sila PM
Nama Nizam
No Phone 0136408906
Muat Naik Imej Iklan anda
Website http://ilearnace.com

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